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Great flagging of all yachts in memory of all fishermaen and seamen who left their lives at sea. With thanks for your cooperation and sympathy.
09/02/2019 till 11/02/2019 & 15/02/2019 till 17/02/2019
Enjoy a delicious culinary get-together our clubhouse the  de Vierboete.
Our youngest members gather eggs around the Club Party with us. programma 10:00 - All children gather inside the Clubhouse - Free breakfast for the children with coffee cakes and hot chocolate - Offered by Sofie and Jurgen and the charming Lees verder...
OPTIFALL OPEN BELGIAN CHAMPIONSHIP OPTIMIST CLASS.  NOR 2019  -  click here Registrattion - click here Entries - click here Read more ..
The Belgian Boat Show Float Nieuwpoort is a water sports fair where every water sport enthusiast is welcome. Numerous boats can be visited and watered. From 18/10 to 20/10 you can enjoy the annual Oyster Festival in the Nieuwpoort fish mine.
Annual end of season closure of our Clubhouse "de Vierboete".
GENERAL - The general meeting is preceded by a plenary moment; - Only members in line with the club contributions can attend the meetings; - Relevant questions or proposals of general interest must be addressed to the President in writing before 10 January 2020 with the webform at the bottom Lees verder...
De baggercampagne 2019-2020 vangt aan in de KYCN. Wij huisvesten ondertussen hun boten. De baggerwerken starten omstreeks 9 december 2019 en zullen vermoedelijk half maart 2020 beëindigd zijn in de WSKLuM. Zoals gebruikelijk informeren wij jullie via email betreffende het vrijmaken van de Lees verder...
The participants in the London Rally are strongly advised to take part in the briefing. Date and Place: 25/4/2020 - 10.00 - Meeting room WSKLuM 2nd Floor A lot of relevant sections are explained, including the preparation of the yacht and its equipment, the necessary navigation maps, the Lees verder...
  London here we come.. Rally Nieuwpoort - London - Nieuwpoort    ETA ETD WSKLuM Nieuwpoort - Tuesday 19/5/2020 01:00 Z Thurrock Yacht Club Tu 19/5/2020 20:50 Z Wednesday 20/5/2020 07:30 Z St Katherins Lees verder...
Friendly sailing competition for all sailing yachts Visit our website REGATTA> WSKLuM SPRING TROPHY
You are kindly invited to the  opening of the new season 2021 with a cozy together and a delicious meal in our club house De Vierboete. PRICE AND REGISTRATION 40,00 euro pp. - to be deposited at the latest on 13 March 2021 on account IBAN BE55 0682 3069 6844 of the WSKLuM vzw ; Drinks can Lees verder...
WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP CADET CLASS IN WSKLuM NIEUWPOORT 29/7 till 31/7/2021 Registration & measurement 31/07/2021  Opening Ceremonie & Practice race 01/08/2021  till  07/08/2021  Races1 to 6 07/08/2021  Price giving & Closing ceremonie